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9:37 p.m. - 04-29-09
i have enjoyed my 2 days off. and i go back to work tomorrow night at 5 and i close(stay after closing), which i like to do sometimes. seemes more relaxed at the store at night. then i'm off again friday and i got to do the laundry that i didn't do today that day. felt like being lazy today and if i did the laundry i would hafta drag my son down to the laundry room and back, then back and forth however many times it takes to get it done. he's 2 1/2 and dosent want to stay still. have to yell at him to stay in the laundry room with me lmao. i didn't feel like messin with that one today.

my husband bought a hp mini which i love. i call it the baby laptop lol. i've been on the reg comp like once within the last couple days. i just love the little laptop.

sons preoccupied with wow wow wubbzy and thats why i'm updating now.

nothing new to say at the moment. until next time i guess.....



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